Another important point to make is that with the ability to swap out kit components, there is considerable variety. Unsurprisingly, each and every room and kit sounds stunning, leaving the user to merely load their desired kit, with the option of swapping out individual instrument elements, at will. There’s also a matching complement of percussion instruments, such as tambourines, shakers, cowbells and even claps, snaps and foot-stomps. What we get is a beautiful combination of seven different kits, recorded in three different rooms the Main Room, the Bright Room and the Tight Room, all under the watchful eye of Ilbert, who has also curated a superb set of signature production-ready mixes. It’s important to stress here that these are all-new samples and not a repeat of the Hansa SDX suite. Michael Ilbert (right) and the (EZ) drummer Norman Garschke (Image credit: Future)